Sunday, March 25, 2012

another weekend has come and gone, and not a bad one really. friday night did the sushi thing at tomo's, but had only ONE beer. had gone out earlier that week at the belvedere (house music night), and had almost a six-pack by the time the evening was done. so i wanted to not overdo it again on friday. saturday took the hounds to hermann park b/c it had been awhile since they had been there. it was a glorious day, plenty of sunshine and in the 80's. of course took A LOT of pics of her. that evening, watched a fight on hbo and relaxed. today, went back to the park to take more pics, sans dogs, but not that excited about what i was able to shoot today. hopefully next weekend will be better.

i've been watching this trayvon tragedy like everyone else around the world, but trying to abstain from all the social media sites, etc. it's a simple case of racial profiling by the killer, despite whatever defense he may say FL law allows him to can u be "defending yourself" while in PURSUIT of the so-called "suspect". i ain't buyin' it, and neither are the masses, thankfully. i think the larger picture is of course, not just the death of this young man (innocent), but the fact that homicide continues to be the leading cause of death of the black man before the age of 35. yes, this case is a tragedy of course, no one denies that. but the simple truth is thousands of young black males die each year, and more often than not, it's at the hands of other young black males. this particular case is all about RACE, and the killer shot and killed trayvon b/c he was black. doesn't matter what he was wearing (the hoodie), nor does it matter that he actually may have tried to evade being questioned. b/c the had trayvon been WHITE or any other race than black, he in all likelihood would still be alive, enjoying his family and friends.

no, the larger picture is that a young black man can be killed at the hands of his own people in his own "hood", OR killed by a racist in a "non-hood" neighbourhood. and so yes, we can ALL be upset over the murder of this innocent kid, but at the same time where is the attention in the media (FB et al) when so many other innocent youths are killed each day at the hands of other black folk? when will there be a "million-somethin' march" to bring attention to all the useless black/black murders?

and so i can't/won't get involved in all the marches and protests and petitions, etc etc etc for the death of young trayvon, b/c in my eyes there's an element of hypocrisy involved, in that it seems like it's "OK" for us to kill each other daily, but we only draw the lines when someone else kills us..........errrr, a racist-slaying is somehow "worse" than garden-variety black folk killin' other black folk. i just ain't buyin' it. doesn't mean i don't feel for trayvon's family, it's just that i can't lose sight of the larger picture. i'm almost inclined to excuse the actions of a racist, b/c, well, he's a RACIST.........that's what they do.........racist shit. but what's the excuse of a black man killing another black man? when we talk about THAT, then i'll be ready to march/protest, petition.

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